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RTA and CBRN exam preparation with 16 (!) Dutch scenarios

We are very excited to share a project which has been many months in the making – an elaborate scenario development project carried out by Marthijn Konings from Safety Region Limburg-Noord in the Netherlands and Léon van der Zwaluw, senior consultant at XVR Simulation.

Due to recent changes in Dutch legislation, Level 1 incident commanders must now complete their exams on incidents involving road traffic accidents and hazardous materials jointly instead of as two separate exams. Training facilities and schools using simulated scenarios as part of their examinations on these topics consequently need to update their existing material, and therefore these scenarios are being released at just the right time.

Together, Marthijn and Léon have created 16 elaborate scenarios that combine road traffic accident and hazardous materials skills in one scenario. The scenarios will cover a wide range of possible situations and all learning objectives that Dutch Level 1 incident commanders might encounter in an exam setting.

Each scenario has an extensive script which includes incident description, a list of all tasks and events in the scenario, dispatch pager messages, vehicle and hazardous material information sheets, as well as short lines for the instructor or operator to deliver e.g. police or EMT reactions. All scenarios are compatible with the latest XVR On Scene 2020 Service Pack 1.

The scenarios were released on 24 February and are available on the XVR Community website. While created for the Dutch Safety Regions, the scenarios can be customised to local conditions and used by all XVR users.

The first responses from the Dutch community were immediately enthusiastic, and many are also looking forward to the next batch that Marthijn and Léon are developing, which will be focused on smaller-scale road traffic accidents.

Safety Region Limburg-Noord only started using XVR’s platform during the first lockdown in spring 2020. The impressive results of this project ensures that they are fully equipped to start their virtual training efforts – while also being of great value to other safety regions as well. We hope this initiative will inspire users in other countries to join forces on similar projects.

Watch a short compilation of the 16 scenarios (all named after Dutch cities) in the video below.
